Happy New Year everyone!
This is going to be an amazing year in the life of MPS! We will celebrate our 25th anniversary in some way at every single meeting and gathering this year. There is an outstanding team, led by Christie Frey, that is busy planning many fun things for us! There will be Monthly Mini Celebrations (MMCs) and one grand event on June 25th. This is certainly a year that you will want to be fully engaged in the life of MPS so that you can enjoy each and every celebration activity!
And, as our first meeting of the year is right around the corner, the 25th Anniversary planning team has asked that everyone attending our meeting in person bring fabric snips. The MMC for January will be about remembering and thanking, and we will be making thank you cards.
Your MPS Board is also busy working on your behalf! We want to encourage everyone attending our general meetings to wear a name tag. As an extra incentive to do so, each member that wears their name tag will get one ticket to the VAMPF raffle that evening for FREE! All you have to do is visit the raffle table, flash your name tag and receive a free ticket! This sort of incentive certainly works for me!
Please bring some quilts to our meetings! We have decided that after the Zoom camera gets turned off and before those attending in person leave, we will have a brief conversation with each quilter that brought her/his quilt to share and learn a little more about how that creation came to be. How many remember how we used to do Inspirations at our general meetings before Covid? This will be similar to that memory, only the quilts will have been on display the whole time at the back of the room over the room dividers. If you share something at our Zoom Inspirations meeting on the 1st Tuesday of the month, please consider bringing your quilt to the general meeting on the 4th Tuesday.
Our in-person retreat is coming at Alton Collins Retreat Center on the weekend of April 12-14, 2024. Stay tuned for more details soon and for the opportunity to register for this fun, productive, restful, and somewhat indulgent weekend. After all, who wouldn’t want someone to cook for them all weekend?
One last thing…do you remember that you get a 10% discount off your entire purchase at Mill End when you show your MPS membership card? Any discount is always a good thing to know about.
I look forward to seeing many of you at our meeting on Tuesday. Let’s hope we are all safe and warm until (and including then!)