Submitted by Dianne McD.
Organizing…love it or hate it! I think I fall somewhere in the middle. I do love an organized sewing studio, although there are times you wouldn’t know it by looking at it. And my stash is organized by color, which works very well for me. Where I lack organization is in my project ideas. Every MPS Show & Tell and General Meeting sends way too much inspiration my way and I want to try it all.
A couple of weeks ago, Krista Moser wrote about “The Get’er Done Guide” that she created. It’s clever, cute, and just might be the thing to help me organize my inspired thoughts. It would be nice to have something I can look at and browse through (as well as occasionally sort and clean out). Otherwise, all my ideas just whirl around in my head until they finally just spin out!
Krista’s guide is free for us to use. You can read about it on her blog where she has also posted a short video illustrating how she uses it for herself. You can access the blog by clicking on the button below.
Krista’s “The Get’er Done Guide” blogDo you like organization? How do you organize things? Or do you organize at all? Let us know in the comments below.
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Thank you Dianne. These journal sheets are very interesting. I am nowhere near getting organized but it’s a work in progress – so thanks all for the inspiration.
I love organizing, setting up spreadsheets and arranging my collections. What I have issues with is re-visiting what I set up. For example, I recently moved my collection of quilting books from one bookcase to a different bookcase in a different space of the house. All the books went back in the order that was on the spreadsheet but the latest four new books haven’t joined the spreadsheet, yet. I am focusing on having fun making what I want to rather than what I can.
I spent all New Year’s Eve Day cleaning out my scraps. Felt awesome! I’m someone who can’t be creative or productive unless my work area is cleared. Thanks for the link to the organizer. I also have many ideas floating around in my head….here’s to a New Year of creating!
Kim T
One of the benefits of losing power at the recent snow storm (for 5 hours), is it stimulated me to clean sewing cabinets. I found some dinosaurs! Items which I purchased years ago and have no interest in now, packets with the accidental 50 or 100 extras flying geese units I sewed but were not used in a project, bundles of yardage I thought would make a nice quilt but don’t care for the color or design now… so in my archeological dig, I did lots of cleaning out! One cannot see the cleaning out, but I feel wonderful knowing the shelves behind the cabinet doors are more reflective of my quilting today. Christie’s advice is great – I don’t ‘clean’ up at end of day but at the end of the quilting project, everything is cleaned up and all the scraps are cut into my pre-cut units (4 1/2 in sq, 2 1/2 x 4 1/2 in rectangular, 2 1/2 in sq, and 12 1/2 inch x any width for string quilts). The clean up helps me from getting overwhelmed with clutter! Now for the drawers in my sewing machine cabinets… think I will take them on before the next snow storm. I store fabric by type and color, for example, batik’s are together and organized in bins by color, vintage yardage is in a bin, Fall prints are in a bin, Christmas prints are in a bin. And those personal ‘pre-cuts’ are in their own bins. All seems to work for me!
My greatest organization tip is clean up your space at the end of your “work day”. Having to put everything away forces me to have a spot for everything. Scraps are made to 2 1/2 “ strips or squares or tossed. Stored by color. Ideas learned from fellow MPS Sisters ❤️
Hi, my response is organized, hardly! My space looks a disaster, but is always in progress to neatness. The fabric is mostly organized by size in labeled containers. Thank you dear mom-in-law for the grand idea! Most of my projects are in stackable containers with patterns and fabric included and I try to keep a running tab of them in my journal and date next to it when completed, but regardless of these organized bits, the place still looks like a hurricane hit it. I guess I find organizing takes away from the time I get to create and sew. It certainly is a conundrum.