Winter Virtual Retreat (Zoom)
February 7 – 9, 2025
Starting Friday at 4:00 PM and ending on Sunday at Noon
Registration Fee: $20
Block out the weekend, or as much of it as you can spare, and join us over the Zoom platform to spend some quality time with your friends as you work on your quilting projects. No need to pack up your sewing machine, or even a suitcase! Just set up your computer or other device in your sewing space and get ready for some fun and serious sewing time.
Zoom will be open 24 hours for those who are early risers or night owls. Also, we want to share quick tips so let us know if you have a quick tip you can share.
All are welcome to attend.
Registration is required.
Once your registration is submitted, you will receive the meeting link with the Meeting ID and Passcode from Zoom. Keep this email handy. We’ll also email you the link on the day the retreat starts.