What do you think?


  1. Thanks for forwarding the results of the survey. I, too, participated in the survey and wonder how the results would be published. It’s comforting to know I share many elements with my community of quilters – oh that age!, currently sewing out of my own stash, size of quilts made. I know several younger quilters and wonder if they would have taken the survey as I recall it was long. So many younger quilters are so busy with work, family, managing a busy life that they may not have been represented. I am always encouraged to see younger folks take up fibers such as knitting, sewing and quilting. It can sustain them during challenging times.

  2. thanks for sharing Dianne! I participated in the poll so since to see the results! Interesting to see the age and income demographics, not surprising. This poll had about 25% response which is not bad but probably leaves out a large group of new, younger quilters. We need to foster the growth of quilting with this group! Younger quilters have also promoted the art of quilting online and sharing communities for those who do not have a family history of quilting.
    My favorite point is googling “how to” do something!

  3. Wow…I feel they were looking over my shoulder when they listed those “She is” bullet points. Of note…starts 10-12 quilts per year. It did not mentioned the word “finishes.” Loved seeing this. Encouraging how many of us are out there!!!

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