Submitted by Liz M.
2020 is a long year! I wrote in early spring about struggling to be productive in my sewing room during the lockdown. I puttered around with masks, tidying my sewing room, purging my stash and getting organized. One area I worked on was my UFO projects. I have had four tops quilted and they are now bound. One has been gifted, one is a Christmas quilt for our home and two others are waiting to be gifted later this year.
I have made a 20 x 20 quilt for the MPS challenge, a VOTE wall hanging, sewed backs for several other tops and practiced free motion quilting and ruler quilting on my domestic machine. I also have helped my daughter sew two baby quilts to gift to friends who deliver early next year. I’m ready for a new project!
I was digging around in my stash of fabrics and UFO projects for ideas for the baby quilts when I found a 24” block I had made awhile ago. Hmmm, what would happen if I added some blocks and borders to make it bigger? I pulled a group of fabrics and started sketching ideas. I have been moving the fabrics around and hemming and hawing about what blocks, what colors, what is the next step…
Searching the internet while procrastinating on these decisions, I found a YouTube video interview with Victoria Findlay Wolfe where she discusses making quilts in a day. What!? Victoria quilts because she enjoys the journey of creating. She speaks about using the fabric you have and cutting it up, trying it out. Basically, get going! I will be starting this journey soon. Victoria Findlay Wolfe Interview
I followed Victoria’s blog “Fifteen Minutes of Play” for many years and it has many ideas for creative play and challenges if you are interested in jump starting your creativity. Her quilt journey began in traditional quilts and has moved into her modern interpretations of blocks and patterns. Her website showcases her work, books, fabric and teaching.
15 Minutes of Play
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Thanks for calling this video to my attention. I so admire Victoria’s work. From this I went on to watch Lisa’s interview with Alex Anderson and was again amazed and entertained.
This was such a fun video. Loved watching the process of one creating rather than just the end product. It encourages me to allow the journey of the process to happen as I create as well. Thanks for sharing
Thank you for sharing your journey with this particular block. I also appreciate listening to the Wolfe interview – inspires freedom to try colors, shapes and design. And grew your hair out during Covid!