Greetings All!
It’s almost the middle of September already and MPS continues to thrive!
We had an outstanding (in every way) silent auction in August that resulted in a record setting total that will go straight into the wonderful programs for 2023-2024 that our Programs team has planned. Thank you one and all for helping organize, bundle, set up, shop, tally, run and take down for this sensational event. Brava!
Speaking of Programs, we welcome April Campbell to that team. She has enthusiastically signed on to be a part of this vital MPS opportunity. Thank you, April!
So, here is a confession….I always have known that diamonds are a girl’s best friend! Haven’t you? I am very intrigued to hear Krista Moser at our upcoming general meeting on Tuesday, September 26th speak on “Diamonds are a Quilter’s Best Friend.” Let’s all wear lots of bling that night to play with the theme of diamonds, okay????? (Learn more about the meeting using the button below.)
September is also our membership renewal month. We have had a strong response so far by you, our members, and will welcome some new folks that want to join our guild. If you have not completed your renewal application, either online or on paper, please do so before the end of the month. (You can use the button below to go to our Membership page.) If you are experiencing financial hardship at this time and are open to some help this year, please contact me. There are things that we can do!
Another thing that we can do is reach out during times of trouble, as well as times of joy. Did you know that Linda Gillins is our Sunshine and Shadows contact? If you know of someone in the guild that could use a written “hug” or a “congratulations”, please contact her. She is so happy to reach out to our membership to let them know that we are thinking of them.
On that note, I will sign off. I look forward to seeing your smiling faces in the audience at our general meeting and on-screen. Until then, may you be well and remember your bling!
Ruthann M