MPS Dessert Hour
Third Tuesday of the Month
7:00 – 8:00 PM
We are meeting virtually through our Zoom platform every third Tuesday of the month. Sometimes evenings are just a great time to wind down with friends, and dessert always makes it better. So we’re calling this meeting the MPS Dessert Hour.
Everyone is welcome! Grab your Oreos and join us for our virtual chat. Sometimes we will have a small amount of content such as a studio tour or a quilty book review; but mostly, we’re just getting together to visit, laugh, and inspire each other. It’s the perfect way to spend an hour in the evening.
A link to the Dessert Hour goes out in an email to the MPS membership on the Monday before. If you aren’t a member, but would like to learn about us or meet some of our members, you’re more than welcome! Just drop us a line at and we’ll send you the link, too.Return to Home Page