Get To Know Some of Our MPS Board Members

The Metropolitan Patchwork Society (MPS) board is made up of some very talented and dedicated people! Recently, Judy, Dianne, and Kim took some time to share their thoughts on being quilters as well as guild members and officers.

What office do you hold and what do you enjoy most about it?

 Judy: I am the current president of MPS and have been enjoying every minute of it!

Judy-MPS Chair

Dianne:  I’m the assistant to the Finance Chair, which in reality means she does most of the work, and I input the data into the accounting software and make sure all our accounts are in balance.

Kim: I am the Board Scribe. I enjoy helping record what is discussed at our meetings. I really enjoy the camaraderie among the board members.

What is your favorite thing about MPS?

Judy:  One of my favorite things about being a member of this guild is the camaraderie among the members. It’s rare to attend a meeting and not chat with someone. Retreats are like a giant slumber party with old friends.

Dianne:  I really like the diversity of the quilters in the guild.  The traditional quilts are as beautiful and interesting to me as the modern and art quilts.  We can inspire and learn so much from each other. That diversity makes our Quilt Show really great.

Kim: The incredible amount of creativity! I love seeing what our members have done.

Tell us about a special quilt you’ve made. 

Judy: I like doing art quilts and there always seems to be some strange images floating around in my head. The challenge is to get them from my head to fabric. My quilt “Mr. Piano Man Sings the Blues” was on my design wall for months before I finally figured out all of his parts. He is one of my favorites.

Mr. Piano Man Sings the Blues

Dianne: Several years ago, I signed up for a Block of the Month (led by Amy Gibson) on Craftsy. I didn’t know what I was in for but figured it would give me a chance to use my own hand-dyed fabric that was starting to pile up. It was a very fun BOM and that finished quilt is my favorite so far.

Dianne and her BOM quilt

Kim: Most of the quilts I have made so far have gone to friends or family members, so they are all special.  This Christmas I finished a quilt that I started for my mother-in-law. Unfortunately, she passed before I was able to complete it. I gave it to my wife for Christmas this year. This gave us a special memory of Mom.

 What are you working on right now?

Judy: Right now, I’m working on a fabric collage parrot from Susan Carlson’s online class. It takes a lot of print fabric. I don’t have many so guess I’ll be shopping. Bummer.

Dianne: At this very moment, I’m getting the backing put together for another quilt made 100% with my hand dyes, then it’s headed off to the long-arm quilter.  It’s more of a modern quilt and it’s called Gesse’s Stars.  Hoping to get it done and into the MPS Quilt Show in March.

Kim: I just finished a small quilt that I hand quilted. I wanted a “portable” craft to do at night, and to bring with me on a trip to the coast.




Thanks, ladies, for helping us get to know you better, and for your service to our guild!

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  1. This post was submitted by Barbara.

  2. Ladies thank you for sharing where you are in your quilting. Every journey is different and I never hope there is never an end!
    Judy I love your creation.
    Dianne when are you going to offer a workshop in dying.
    Kim I can’t wait to see what you will work on at the next retreat.
    I am delighted to serve and have a relationship with each of you. Great photos too!

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