Be sure to check out the Resource List for the special tools used, fabric designers, who did the quilting, and links to patterns and other inspirational websites!
January 2025
Ruthann Marquis
“Crimson Christmas” I have never made a holiday quilt and really liked this pattern when I saw it on Krista Moser’s blog. I participated in the 5 week quilt along and had lots of fun doing so. Each week for 5 weeks she shared a part of putting this quilt together and her videos were filled with great tips and encouragement for success. I finished it by Christmas and used it as some of my holiday decorations. Quilted by Robin Hill.
Ruthann Marquis
This is a pattern from Quiltfolk. It was my first time using a pdf pattern for a garment, which meant lots of taping paper together. I made 5 of these aprons, 4 for Christmas gifts for others and one for myself. They went together beautifully, with all raw edges contained in either French seams or careful design. I am well pleased with the results.
Dawn White
“Wonderful World” “Wonderful World” is the third version of the Ribbon Box quilt pattern I made last year. The 5″ wide strips and clean lines of the design provided a great foil for my Gingham Foundry fabrics which include a text print with the lyrics to the song “What a Wonderful World.” Karlee Sandell quilted this for me using Anne Bright’s “Storm Cloud” motif.
Dawn White
1) Last month at Inspirations I won a bundle of navy prints. I used one of the prints to make a pair of oven mitts using my own tutorial.
2) During my twin sister’s last visit we unearthed a project box containing an almost-done pair of hot pads. I completed them and gave them to her. A tutorial on the hot pads is in the works.
Linda G
“Comfort” Sara H shared this disappearing 9-patch with me. I used 9 inch pieces for the 9 patch block before cutting it. In laying out the quilt, I wanted to give the illustration of a radiating diamond. My husband couldn’t see the diamonds on the design wall. So quilted individual quilting patterns into each diamond – still a little hard to see the diamonds. Fun experiment!