July 2024
Maggie Johnsen
My son, a former Marine, served two tours in Afghanistan. Over the years, I’ve saved quite a collection of Marines fabric, and was overjoyed when he asked me to make a quilt for him. It had to be something really special in honor of his service, so I decided upon Mariners compass. This HST setting beautifully frames the compass and created a king size quilt for his 36 birthday.
Marcia Sanderman
“She Came To Her Senses” Our small group took on this challenge. We quickly realized it would be a multi-year project. I didn’t want a large quilt so started reducing the blocks by 50%. After about 30 littles I tried making the 3 inch size. I quickly “came to my senses” and made the larger blocks. When I needed more small ones I was quite selective in my choices. Highly recommend Sam Hunters Fourteen Squared pattern for a pieced back.
Nancy Watts
“Magical Illusion” The dark blue and blue flower fabric was won at June Inspirations. I have challenged myself to make something from that fabric for our next meeting. One difficulty was needing more fabric and trying to use every bit that I had! Also, 30 degree triangles have lots of bias!! It was fun to get all of the pieces facing the correct way.